由佛义校友会主办的“学习再学习培训营”成功的在槟城五洲酒店举行。当天,大约50会员抽空出席这项培训营。课程包了解佛义-由马乃福学长主持, 如何打造佛义新形象-由许能进博士主讲,运用佛义优势扩展佛义活动-由杨嘉仪老师主讲和建立团队是佛义成展的基石-由卢永春老师主讲。
Foyi Penang had successfully organized a seminar on 13 April 2008 at Continental Hotel. We are glad to have about 50 members' support towards this educational seminar. The purpose of this seminar is actually to create members awareness on the association and give the public a all brand new Foyi in the near future. They hope that they are able to take up the challenges to serve the less fortunate in the community. That's why this seminar being organized to improve their knowledge and understandings which they believed will be useful to the association.
Foyi Penang had successfully organized a seminar on 13 April 2008 at Continental Hotel. We are glad to have about 50 members' support towards this educational seminar. The purpose of this seminar is actually to create members awareness on the association and give the public a all brand new Foyi in the near future. They hope that they are able to take up the challenges to serve the less fortunate in the community. That's why this seminar being organized to improve their knowledge and understandings which they believed will be useful to the association.